Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 2 after the splint removal

It's almost been a full week since they let me take the splint off. My finger is still curved inward which is really annoying, but I'm beginning to feel a little movement in it... not much. My wrist can bend backwards a lot more (see photo) which is nice. My other non-surgery fingers are moving a bit better, but they are still pretty stiff and do not have full mobility. Yesterday it was cold and my hand hurt like the dickens... kinda like arthritis. I moved my mouse back to the right side and I'm using it with my gimp hand - and that's a little odd. My wrist still doesn't bend like normal and I never realized how much wrist bending was involved in mousing. I'm typing with two hands again, but I cant use my pinky for its keys because it just doesn't "work" yet.

Check out the photos below of my wrist bending back as far as possible as well as my hand and fingers extended as far as possible. I also have a photo of my left hand extended for comparison.

Surgery hand - Hand & fingers extended as far as possible

Left (non-surgery) hand extended... this is what my right hand SHOULD be doing

My wrist bending back as far as possible (my left wrist bends backwards at a 90 degree... or at a -90degree... or something)

And finally my clinched fist... I have hardly any strength in my hand. I can barely hold a cup of coffee or even a cereal box!!!


Andrea said...

Oh my. I'm so sorry all of this happened to you! I must say I can relate to freak accidents though as I dislocated my knee cap which hit my femur bone and tore off cartiledge and bone during ENGLISH CLASS!!!! That was 14 years, 2 surgers, and lots of PT ago. Glad PT is going well for you-stick with it-and keep up the good work!

Andrea said...

^that should say 2 surgeries, not surgers!

Unknown said...

I tore my pinky finger last week, and I'm curious to what happened after your last posts about your hand.