Friday, September 7, 2007

This is getting rediculous

Well... looks like ill just have to get used to typing with one hand for a while. I went back to the doctor Thurs and they took my stitches out (which hurt like crud!!) I also had the first of my WEEKLY physical therapy sessions... and they put me in yet another cast.

This one is the most uncomfortable of them all and i was instructed not to use my right hand at all except for the exercises on my pinky. After getting my hopes up two weeks in a row I asked them HONESTLY how long I would be in a cast and she said it will probably be for another two months...

SO.... Im going to switch my mouse to the left side of my keyboard and learn how to design with my left hand.
I never would have imagined that a chicken can lid could cause this much damage!!!!

Oh... and many of you have suggested that I get one of those "safe" or "hands free" can openers.... so you will be glad to know that just the other day my cousin in Colorado mailed me a Calphalon Safety Can Opener... and one of my client's mailed me a One Touch Can Opener a few days later!! I should be safe from injury from now on!

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